Educational actions prevention for gender violence from the adolescents students´ perception in Andalusia


  • Francisco Miguel Guzmán-Sánchez Universidad de Sevilla
  • Rocío Jiménez-Cortés Universidad de Sevilla



gender issues, secondary education, Educational Policy, violence prevention, learning activities


The current studies show that there are training needs for equality and gender violence among adolescents and lack of effective specific actions that mitigate. To this end, schools are struggling to make a wide variety of actions in this matter. In this sense, we want to know what the students think about the educational activities related to equality and against gender violence in schools, know their perception about sexism in its center and whether there are significant differences by sex and age assessment of actions. For this, a descriptive study of a representative sample of 875 students aged between 14 and 19 years of Andalusia is done following simple stratified sampling affixation depending on the size of the municipalities of residence, age and gender. The results indicate that a significant percentage of students who are indifferent to this type of intervention, suggesting that or not identified as such or have not been done in a meaningful way for them. A significant percentage thinks there is sexism at school. The results showed differences in sex and age, on the assessments of the actions. The study highlights the role of the deployment of this type of training activities for andalusiansstudents and their impact. Thus, as also it shows the need for more visible to students, meaning they have and their relevance. The actions must be meaningful to your lifeand must be specific and different for men and women.


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