What is the rural school? Some reflections on the teaching reality in the multi-grade classroom


  • Roser Boix Universidad de Barcelona

Palabras clave:

Rural school, multigrade classroom, autonomy of learning, student-tutor, micro- system social, rural territory


The rural school is a subject treated about form appellant and quite often from a little realistic
perspective; the vision of a school different from the graduated school still persists in ample
sectors of the society, but, in fact, every time it is more difficult to find pedagogical differences
between the classroom multigrade and the classroom of the ordinary school; in this article we
reflected envelope which supposedly stays as specific of the pedagogical practice of the rural
school, and we do from the point of view of which contributes the autonomy to it of learning of
the students, the paper of the tutorial student in a heterogeneus group, the social micro-system
that are developed in a space with as much diversity and the pedagogical potential that offers
the rural territory, all this within the framework of a school that of constant form must justify
the pedagogical value of its practice to confront the supremacy of the ordinary school.


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