El sistema atributivo de devenir en la interlengua de los estudiantes ingleses de español como lengua extranjera. Problemas y propuesta de solución


  • Beatriz Rodríguez Arrizabalaga Dpto. Filología Inglesa. Universidad de Huelva

Palabras clave:

verbo atributivo, cambio de estado, interlengua, corpus de aprendices, análisis de errores.


Este trabajo presenta un estudio contrastivo de corpus sobre el sistema atributivo de devenir en la interlengua de los estudiantes ingleses de español, donde se examinan los errores encontrados en su producción. En concreto, el análisis de hacerse, ponerse, volverse, quedarse, llegar a (ser) y convertirse en en los corpus de aprendices CEDEL2, CAES y SPLLOC demuestra que la adquisición de este área del español, mucho más desarrollada y restringida sintáctico-semánticamente que su contrapartida inglesa, debido principalmente a la ausencia de un verbo atributivo equivalente a become, resulta extremadamente difícil para los estudiantes ingleses. Los resultados obtenidos constatan, primero, la presencia indiscutible de la lengua materna del estudiante en la adquisición de este grupo verbal español y sugieren, consecuentemente, que su enseñanza debería apoyarse en estudios contrastivos que enfaticen las semejanzas y diferencias entre sendas lenguas, contribuyendo, así, a evitar los errores detectados en la producción de los estudiantes.

Biografía del autor/a

Beatriz Rodríguez Arrizabalaga , Dpto. Filología Inglesa. Universidad de Huelva

I obtained an MA in English Language and Literature from the University of Huelva in 1994 and a PhD in English Linguistics in 1999, with a dissertation, supervised by Dra. Montesarrat Martínez Vázquez, on the English and Spanish attributive systems denoting change of state. In 1997 I was appointed Associate Professor of the English Department at the University of Huelva and in September 2003 I obtained a position as tenured Senior Lecturer. From October 1994 onwards I have been working as a researcher and lecturer in the English Department at the University of Huelva. As regards my teaching career, I have been teaching at the University of Huelva during these 17 years different undergraduate and postgraduate courses dealing with the grammar of English and the contrastive grammar of English and Spanish. This academic year in particular I am teaching the undergraduate courses of Morphosyntax I (2nd year) and English-Spanish Contrastive Liguistics (4th year) and two postgraduate courses: one on the different instruments and techniques commonly used in linguistic research, and the other on Construction Grammar. As regards my research trajectory, it started in 1994 when I entered the research group “English and Spanish Contrastive Grammar” (PAI HUM 0269), funded by the autonomic government of Andalucía; from 2000 to 2003 I worked as a full time researcher in the project English and Spanish Contrastive Syntax (Sintaxis Contrastiva Inglés-Español, BFF 2000-1271), funded by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology, and at the moment I am working in another project, also funded by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology, called Generation of Constructions in Contemporary English (Generación de construcciones en ingles actual, FII2008-04234). Within the fields of English syntax and English and Spanish Contrastive Grammar, which constitute the two research areas I am most interested in, I have worked on the following topics: the attributive systems of English and Spanish, English and Spanish change of state verbs,  English and Spanish resultative constructions, English cognate object constructions and anglicisms.    





