Low Competence and Developmental Motor Coordination Problems in Physical Education. [Baja competencia y problemas evolutivos de coordinación motriz en Educación Física].
Palabras clave:
Torpeza motriz, enseñanza, competencia motriz, schoolchildren, Motor Clumsiness, teaching, motor competence, escolares.Resumen
Currently there is no concern for clumsy children in physical education classes. Scientific and pedagogical literature do not show a great interest in children with motor coordination problems in Physical Education, this question is of more interest for physical and occupational therapists (Cairney, 2015). The seventies, eighties and nineties were decades were this interest were present in Physical Education (Arheim & Sinclair, 1976; Haubenstricker, 1980; Hoare, 1994; Larkin & Revie, 1994; Wall, 1980). At the present time these interests has beginning to increase (Edmonds, 2013; Gómez, Ruiz & Mata, 2006; Parker & Larkin, 2003; Ruiz, 200, Ruiz, Graupera y Gutiérrez, 2001; Ruiz, Graupera, Gutiérrez y Miyahara, 2003; Ruiz, Mata y Moreno, 2007; Ruiz, Ruiz y Linaza, 2016).
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Haubenstricker J. L. (1982). Motor development in children with learning disabilities. JOPERD, may: 41-44.
Hoare D. (1994). Subtypes of developmental coordination disorder. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 11, 158-169.
Larkin D., & Revie G. (1994). Stay in Step: a gross screening test for children K-2. Sydney: Authors.
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Loftesnes, L. M.; Ingvaldsen, R. P., & Sigmundsson, H. (2017). Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Can Underlying Perceptual Disability be Remediated Through Specific Training?. Psychological Reports, 0(0),1-13.
Mosston, M., & Asworth, S. (2008). Teaching Physical Education. First online edition. Pearson Education.
Parker H.E., & Larkin D. (2003). Children’s coordination and developmental movement difficulty. In Savelsberg G, Davids K, Vander Kamp J, & Bennett SI. (Eds.). Development of Movement Coordination in Children (p. 107-137). London: Routledge.
Revie, G., & Larkin, D. (1993a). Task-specific intervention with children reduces movement problems. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 10, 29-41.
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