Disability and family in multicultural contexts. A study about the reality in the autonomous city of Ceuta
Disability, Family, Perception, Support network, Resources, Respite ProgramAbstract
With the objective of improving the well-being and quality of life of people with disabilities and their families, a study was carried out in the city of Ceuta to analyze and describe the needs of this group. For that purpose, 202 families (Christian and Muslim) were interviewed; all of them members of the different NGOs that care of provide services to the disabled collective of the city. This exploratory and descriptive study adopts a methodological approach of a quantitative nature, developed through the application of a questionnaire on attitudes of families towards disability, based on the Salamanca Family Quality of Life Scale. The variables under study were Disability Perception, Support Network, Demand for Resources and Respite and Leisure. The main results of the study made it possible to detect different deficiencies in terms of accessibility, locomotion, technical resources, economic resources, leisure activities, social integration, training and work orientation, which were lower than expected. At the same time, it was possible to verify that, depending on the type of NGO that provided services, the opinions varied in all the dependent variables. On the other hand, the variables: sex of the child with a disability and the carer's employment situation do not show differences in the opinions on the variables considered.Downloads
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