The retirement and the social bond: reflections on transition’s convergences and divergences


  • Teresa Martins UTC de Ciências da Educação. Portugal



gerontology, aging (individuals), retirement, age discrimination


The formal exit from the labor market, through the Retirement, is a moment that causes significant changes in the rhythms of daily life and organization. This conclusion justi¬fies a reflection on its impact on people’s lives and on the prejudices and stereotypes that end up being associated with them. This study aimed to understand how the transition to retire¬ment affected the lives of the people who participated in the study, in the light of the theory of “Social bond” proposed by Serge Paugam (2008). The analysis is on the experience of the retirement considering the two dimensions of Social Bond, proposed by the author — the pro-tection and recognition — as well as the implications that the retirement had for these people in the four types of Social Bond.This work held up an interpretative paradigm of reality, having performed six semi-structured interviews with retired people, which were then subjected to an detailed content analysis.It was concluded that while the bond of organic participation is weakened with the entry in the retirement, the other three types of social bond turned out to be strengthened with this transition, and in particular affiliation bond, the bond of the elective participation and citizenship bond, even with diversified expressions. This text still shows up discussions about the retirement and prejudices and stereotypes associated with old age and aging as current concerns for Social Pedagogy


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Author Biography

Teresa Martins, UTC de Ciências da Educação. Portugal

Licenciada em Educação Social pela Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto (2007) e Mestre em Gerontologia Social pelo Instituto Superior de Serviço Social do Porto (2012), tendo tido como título de dissertação “Voluntários/as Reformados/as:

 Práticas de Voluntariado na Reforma”. Frequenta atualmente o Programa Doutoral em Gerontologia e Geriatria do ICBAS/ UP e Universidade de Aveiro. É docente da Unidade Técnico-científica de Ciências da Educação da ESE.IPP e investigadora do InEd – Centro de Investigação e Inovação em Educação da ESE.IPP. Tem trabalhado em projetos de intervenção e investigação nas áreas da Educação para o Desenvolvimento e Gerontologia, com especial enfoque no Voluntariado, Educação para os Direitos Humanos e Igualdade de Oportunidades, tendo as questões da participação – em todas as idades – como elemento comum.


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