Big data and open data for an intelligent governance




Big data, Open data, Intelligent governance, Transparency, Innovation, Public Administration, Public sector information reuse.


Intelligent governance is based on the use of large amounts of data that public administrations produce and gather in the development of their activities and in their relations with citizens and companies. In this paper, it is shown how the use of big data at the disposal of public administrations, citizens and companies is producing a new public management model known as intelligent governance. The paper also explores the impact of big data analysis in public administration and presents the channels that citizens and companies may use to actively collaborate with public administration in this new model of governance


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Author Biography

Agustí­ Cerrillo-Martí­nez, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Catedrático de Derecho administrativo. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


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How to Cite

Cerrillo-Martí­nez, A. (2018). Big data and open data for an intelligent governance. Profesional De La información, 27(5), 1128–1135.