Management of scientific communication of research projects in H2020: functions, models, and strategies




Science communication, Public communication of science and technology, Responsible research and innovation, RRI, Research projects, Science dissemination, H2020, Horizon 2020, Communication plan, Social networks, Social media, Semistructured interviews


The Horizon 2020 framework program requires research projects to incorporate communication plans that cover all activities for the dissemination, communication, and exploitation of results. These must include strategic and specialized measures that identify the diversity of audiences, incorporate mechanisms for dialog with stakeholders, and establish systems for measuring results. This has changed the way in which the dissemination and scientific popularization of the projects are conceived and planned. This research analyzes the perception of Spanish experts in the design and development of competitive research projects regarding which are the most appropriate models and strategies for scientific communication. Through 22 in-depth interviews conducted with specialists from entities, companies, principal researchers, managers, evaluators, and scientific disseminators involved in H2020 projects, two dimensions of project communication are evaluated: the concept of dissemination, and the planning process. The results show that, although the dissemination activity must be carried out from the very beginning of the proposal, as an integral element of the project, the communication is only partially fulfilled, due to the instrumental nature given to it and the lack of complete planning of the actions that goes beyond the administrative fulfilment of what is requested in the calls. However, some progress can be seen thanks to the increasing professionalization of these activities and the integration of communication experts in all phases of the project.


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How to Cite

Gertrudix, M., Rajas, M., Gertrudis-Casado, M.- del-C., & Gálvez-de-la-Cuesta, M.- del-C. (2020). Management of scientific communication of research projects in H2020: functions, models, and strategies. Profesional De La información, 29(4).