Conceptions of learning in science and technology of the Masters students of secondary school teachers


  • Alfonso Pontes Pedrajas Universidad de Córdoba
  • Francisco J. Poyato López Universidad de Córdoba
  • José Mª. Oliva Martínez Universidad de Cádiz

Palabras clave:

Science and technology, conceptions of learning, secondary education, initial teacher training, teaching models


This paper investigates learning conceptions of science and technology, shown by future teachers of Secondary Education. Therefore we analyzed the responses to a set of open  questions raised by 71 students of the Master of Teaching in Secondary Education. Results indicate that participants show conceptions of science learning that may influence your current  training process and their future teaching activity. This justifies that should be given attention in the process of initial training. The study also allowed to establish possible links to a three- teaching models typology. Beside a coherent model to teaching by transmission and reception of knowledge, also points near the constructivist framework model and a mixed model. The degree  of consistency in the responses observed is variable, because it is relatively high for the traditional framework and only partial in the case of constructivist framework. This suggests a  limited consolidation of this model in that part of the sample that seems to support ideas based on the constructivist approach.


